Monday, June 24, 2013

Mastering the Art of Renovating the Master Bedroom

It's been almost nine months since we started the renovation on the master bedroom.  We've learned that things take a lot longer to get done when you do all of the work by yourself and when you only have the weekends to do it on.  But, we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and soon we will be able to enjoy all of the hard work....the proverbial fruits of our labor


This is what the master bed and bath area looked like in September of 2012 when we purchased it

In late May we installed the seamless shower

On Saturday June22, 2013 we were ready to drop the jacuzzi tub into it's frame and all of the plumbing was ready for us to install the vanity and the sink

 So Saturday we installed the Jacuzzi tub....Joey took the first bubble bath....he deserved it!

Sunday before we left we tested the copper pipes that Joey sweated and we were able to install the vanity and the sink.  Joey has now officially added pipe sweating to his repertoire.

He even found a spot for the piece of wood I found while out hiking one day

And thanks to Luna and Mykl and this awesome squeegee our glass will remain forever unstreaked

Oh...and did I mention the amazing shower head?

I even let him sit for a very brief rest.